June 2024
Final press release
The ATRE Low Carbon Travel project is coming to an end with great results: 3 digital training tools for low-carbon travel and more than 5,900 tourism professionals and travelers reached by the project's activities in two and a half years! If you haven't tried out the tools yet, hurry over to the 'Tools' tab! The ATRE project partners will continue to promote the tools and provide training in reducing the tourism sector's impact on climate change, so keep your eyes peeled - there's bound to be an event for you! See you soon!
> Click here to download the final press release: in English - in French - in Spanish - in Italian - in Greek - in Dutch.
June 2024
Final event in Belgium
86 people attended the event organized by the Belgian Travel Confederation on June 17 in Kraainem! Participants were able to discover the three tools with practical demonstrations, and ask all their questions on climate change issues and their links with the tourism sector. Discussions and debates were particularly fruitful, with an emphasis on training and labels as tools for structuring commitment-based approaches!

June 2024
ATRE tools presentation seminar
From June 10 to 16, the International Organization of Social Tourism (OITS) is organizing the fifth edition of the International Week of Sustainable Tourism for All!
With the partners of the ATRE - Low Carbon Travel project, we'll be taking part on June 13, at 3:00 pm, with a webinar on the three low-carbon travel awareness tools we've produced! See you there?

May 2024
Final event in France
On Thursday May 23, 2024, the association Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable (ATR) and the TravelPro Formations training center for tourism professionals, presented the three digital low-carbon travel awareness tools produced as part of the ATR-E Low Carbon Travel project. Around 70 professionals from all tourism sectors attended the event, either in person or online (tour operators, hoteliers, destinations, universities, trade media, etc.). The afternoon's entertainment featured exchanges of best practices and initiatives between participants, and testimonials from the ambassadors in attendance!

April 2024
Project closing meeting
Partners from the five European countries involved in the ATR-E Low Carbon Travel project met in Kalamata, Greece, for the closing ceremony of this project, which has brought them together to co-produce digital training tools for low-carbon travel over a period of 2.5 years! This is the culmination of a highly successful European cooperation, and you can find the three tools in the 'Tools' tab on the website! We hope you'll enjoy them as much as the hundreds of other people in the tourism industry who have already tried them out, and that they'll help you reduce your impact on the environment, both in your travels and in your business!

April 2024
Final event in Greece
Greek partner MKP presented the results of the ATRE project on April 18, 2024 in Kalamata! The other partners were present for the final meeting of the project, and were able to share their testimonials with the local participants, as well as discuss eco-gestures and best practices for less carbon-intensive tourism. The Messinian Chamber of Commerce, the town of Kalamata and officials responsible for tourism and the Peloponnese climate change strategy were also present to discuss the importance of the issues raised by the project.
April 2024
Final event in Spain
Spanish partner KOAN Consulting organized its event 'Digitalization for low-carbon tourism' on April 10 in Madrid. They presented the project, its objectives, its partners and the three digital training tools that have been produced. Two of the project's ambassadors were present to talk about their actions, as well as other players representing sustainable tourism, who were able to inspire participants during a round-table discussion.

March 2024
Final event in Italy
Italian partner AITR presented the ATRE project's tools to participants at its conference at the Fala Cosa Giusta ("Do the Right Thing!") trade fair, the country's largest fair for sensible consumption and sustainable lifestyles, which took place in Milan from March 22 to 24, for its 20th edition! Two Italian ambassadors were on hand to reinforce exchanges with participants on the challenges and opportunities of reducing the negative impact of tourism on the environment.

March 2024
Press release
The long-awaited moment has finally arrived! After several months' work, the ATRE project partners are delighted to announce the publication of the English version of the tools, which will be followed in the coming weeks by the other five language versions (Italian, Spanish, Greek, French and Dutch).
> To use the tools, go to the 'Tools' tab on the site. You'll find a MOOC for tour operators, an online APP for destination tourism providers and an online game for travelers!
Discover the press release produced for the occasion: in English - in French - in Italian - in Spanish - in Greek - in Dutch.
July 2023
Press release
It's summertime! Time for rest and vacation... But summer is also a time that reminds us a little more each year of the climate emergency we face, with episodes of drought, heatwaves and forest fires multiplying all over Europe.
So this summer, the ATRE project partners are calling for action! Whether as professionals or travelers, we all have the power to act!
Read our press release to find out more!
Download the press release: in English - in French - in Spanish - in Italian - in Greek - in Dutch.
March 2023
The partners of the five countries participating in the project met in Paris from March 15 to 18, 2023 for their mid-project seminar, accompanied by their ambassadors, professionals from various fields of travel (guides, TO, travellers' association, restaurants, accommodation providers, etc.).
Ihe objective was to discuss the educational tools produced in order to collectively construct the reflection.
Find the photos of the seminarby clicking here.

Mid-project seminar
March 2023
Click on the images to download the presentation brochure of the project in French or in English. Find on page 2 the link to the resource center of the project (or by clicking here).
Feel free to share it around you!
Download the presentation of the ATRE project
April 2022
Press Release
​Click on your language to download the ATRE project launch press release.
French-English-Spanish-Greek-Italian- Dutch
March 2022
The partners from the five countries involved in the ATRE project met on March 14 and 15, 2022 in Bologna, Italy, to officially launch the work!
See you in 2 years for the final results!
Project kick-off meeting